Returns and Refund Policy

HomeReturns and Refund Policy

Returns and Refund Policy

To be eligible for a return, your item must be original price, in the same condition you received it, unworn or unused with tags attached and in its original packaging. You will also need the receipt or proof of purchase. Items purchased for reduced price CANNOT be returned or exchanged.

Unfortunately, sometimes packages arrive damaged and not in the same condition they were in when they left our warehouse. We do our best to pack your orders with care but please note that we cannot be held liable for any damaged, lost, or stolen packages once we’ve shipped your order.

If the parcel is clearly damaged when it arrives, it can be refused and can be sent back to us for a refund.

Please email us at within 24 hours of receiving a package, if your orders shows up damaged and keep all packaging.

If your order has been damaged and is only visible after opening the package, please contact us immediately. We will require pictures and other details to ensure proper resolution.

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